Here is a list of some links that I have come across that you may find interesting:
General Links
- A wealth of Czech links from the University of Oxford Czech department.
- A profile on the Czech language. There are also some general language learning tips that you may find useful if you explore the site.
- Benny "the Irish Polyglot"'s story about his attempt at learning Czech in 3 months. Very encouraging if feeling a little lost in the language!
- LocalLingo provides a ton of Czech learning resources, including pronunciation, grammar and general phrases.
- Another general Czech site worth exploring. A highlight is the list of 500 most frequently used words, which includes multiple translations, a better resource than most of the online dictionaries.
- A Czech phrasebook from You can print it out, fold it, and store it in your pocket.
- A few exercises to practise Czech vocab and grammar, including verb conjugation, declension and general vocabulary.
- If you're looking for something easy to read in Czech, then there is a Czech edition of the "Little Prince" available on the Internet. A good starting point in the language
- A good page that has declension tables, a list of handy verbs that are similar in English and Czech, a little bit of slang and a few more grammar points.
Complete Courses
- Scroll to the bottom of this page to download a free Czech textbook, which I reviewed in a previous article.
- Now in the Public Domain, the 1990 FSI FAST Czech course is quite old fashioned, the cultural insights very out dated and the vocabulary iamed firmly at diplomats, but it is nonetheless a good, complete resources with around 9 hours of audio and a 242 page textbook.
Beginners, Elementary Czech Resources
- Digital Dialects provide a few games to help learn Czech vocabulary.
- I've mentioned the Little Czech Primer before. It's a nice, fun way to learn Czech vocabulary.
- Easy to use, simple online dictionary, providing English, French, German etc. to Czech, along with the more unusual Latin and even Esperanto.
- Heres one from you can download.
Grammar Resources
- An excellent grammar tool that provides a complete run down of correct forms of any word you type in the box.
- A free online refernce grammar in PDF format. Most useful for people at an intermediate level.
- A good website, with everything you would want to know about life and culture in the Czech Republic.
- A Youtube channel for Czech films with subtitles.
Czech Literature
- Annotated Czech Literature from Brown University. Haven't had a chance to have a proper look around yet but looks interesting.
- Another page from Oxford, introduce yourself to a Czech masterpiece by reading Macha's Maj. Includes a paralell translation so no need to keep checking the dictionary.
- The Czech Literature Portal provides information on 20th century to contemporary Czech literature in four languages including English and German as well as Czech.
I'll be adding more in the future as I find them, but until then, if anyone has anymore more good links, then feel free to leave a comment!
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