As I have mentioned before, one of the hardest things about learning Czech is that, despite having the same Indo-European roots as English, French, Spanish etc, the vocabulary often betrays little to the English learner. However, English is now the world's most dominant language in many fields and one of your few advantages as an Anglophone is the ready adoption of vocabulary from English. In Czech this most helpful when it comes to verbs, a category that often has no similarity to the English equivalent and involving many rules on formation and usage that often make them seem impenetrable. Fortunately, English borrowings provide a shortcut for when you just really haven't learnt the right word. Of course, for many of these, a Czech equivalent exists which is sometimes the more well used, but for others, like fungovat (to function, work) or existovat (to exist) the borrowing is very common and used in many situations. A nice page has already been made that lists many of these words. It is definitely worth a look. The meanings aren't given as they are pretty obvious and they should help you out if you just really can't think of a certain word!
Of course, you can't just use these plain, so here is a quick conjugation overview:
Já Stud-uju
Ty Stud-uješ
On,ona Stud-uje
My Stud-ujeme
Vy Stud-ujete
Oni, ony Stud-ují